Welcome to a new “Point of Vue”! The Focus 360 monthly Blog.

May 27, 2022

Content is king and what better way to share knowledge and reinforce the topic than with a new platform to deliver fresh content each month! At Focus 360 we believe in partnering with clients across industries to offer the best, state-of-the-art visual tech that connects a company’s vision of architecture, design, livability, and sense of place to its marketing strategy. You see, visual tech is probably the most important tool in a marketer’s toolbox today and we want to talk about the customer journey, first impressions, branding, and advances in tools that offer customers more knowledge.

We help build the journey to help customers find what they want in a home, in a rental community, in that empty nest next step, or discovering a new retail or hospitality location on the horizon. Visual tech sells so many experiences that may not even live on broken ground yet. It’s the first step to entice, engage and inform. The 360 Vue will showcase new projects, challenge new ideas of thought, explore emerging tech discoveries and explain our growing product proposition. Additionally, we cannot forget our people. Our race team and project managers dream up and build our award-winning library of visual greatness. We will introduce team members, highlight our experiences, and share what keeps our team at the top of customer service and fun!

We welcome you to a new Vue! Not biased, not boring, authentic, fun, sometimes unexpected, and always informative. Be sure to sign up to receive our monthly updates here on this page!

Have a topic you would like us to expand on? Want to embark on a live vlog conversation? Serve up your ideas to our resident marketing expert Jennifer Cooper Jenniferc@focus360.com and we will be in touch.

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